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  E U W T Literatu...
  E U W T Literatu...
  E U W T Literatu...
  E U W T Literatu...
  E U W T Literatu...
  E U W T Literatu...
  E U W T Literatu...
  E U W T Literatu...
  E U W T Literatu...
  E U W T Literatu...
  E U W T Literatu...
  E U W T Literatu...
  E U W T Literatu...
  E U W T Literatu...
  E U W T Literatu...
  E U W T Literatu...
  E U W T Literatu...
  E U W T Literatu...
  E U W T Literatu...
  E U W T Literatu...
  E U W T Literatu...
  E U W T Literatu...
  E U W T Literatu...
  E U W T Literatu...
  E U W T Literatu...
  E U W T Literatu...
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 Bibliografia EUWT
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 Bibliografia EUWT
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  E U W T Literat...
  E U W T Literat...
  E U W T Literat...
  E U W T Literat...
  E U W T Literat...
  E U W T Literat...
  E U W T Literat...
  E U W T Literat...
  E U W T Literat...
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  B M V I Guideline Transnationl E...
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 Bibliografia EUWT
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  E U W T Liter...
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  E U W T Liter...
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  E U W T Liter...
  E U W T Liter...
  E U W T Liter...
  E U W T Liter...
  E U W T Liter...
  E U W T Liter...
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  E U W T Liter...
  E U W T Liter...
  E U W T Literatura...
  E U W T Liter...
  E U W T Liter...
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  E U W T Liter...
  E U W T Liter...
  E U W T Liter...
  E U W T Liter...
  E U W T Liter...
  E U W T...
  E U W T ...
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  Jaansoo Groenend...
  Müller Klosterm...
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  Ladysz Oziem Gospodarka Przestrzenna...
  Martinez Z U R...
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  E U W T Literatura200...
  E U W T Literatura200...
  E U W T Literatura200...
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  E U W T Literatura201...
  E U W T Literatura201...
  E U W T Literatura201...
  E U W T Literatura201...
  E U W T Literatura201...
  E U W T Literatura201...
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  E U W T Literatura ...
  E U W T Literatura ...
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  E U W T Literatura ...
  E U W T Literatura ...
  E U W T Literatura ...
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  E U ...
 Strona główna
  G E P E...
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  E U W T Li...
  E U W T Li...
  E U W T Li...
  E U W T Li...
  E U W T Li...
  E U W T Li...
  E U W T Li...
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  E U W T Li...
  E U W T Li...
  E U W T Li...
  E U W T Li...
  E U W T Li...
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  E G T C Monit...
  E G T C Monit...
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  E U W T Literatu...
  E U W T Literatu...
  E U W T Literatu...
  E U W T Literatu...
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  E U W T Literatu...
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  Euroregion Nysa
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  Degron A J D A2008
  Feral C T2008
  Gautier Audebert R ...
  Goehrs Jurisdoctori...
  Lubac S J2006
  Lubac S J2008
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  Euroregion Nysa
  Literatura Do Zamowienia
  Jaansoo Groenendijk2014
  Müller Klostermann2014
  Popoviciu Toca2011
 Strona główna
 Orzecznictwo dotyczące EUWT
 Prawo o EUWT
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  Miedzynarodowe Prawo Admi...
  Zwiazek Celowy

Lit.: BMVI, Guideline for the establishment of an EGTC for stakeholders of transnational cooperation, 2014

1 Introduction
2 Check list
2.1 Is it necessary to establish an EGTC?
2.1.1 Which requirements and needs for cooperation exist?
2.1.2 Declaration of political intention
2.2 Basic questions
2.2.1 Which objectives are to be achieved through cooperation in an EGTC?
2.2.2 Which tasks are transferred to the EGTC (and to what extent)?
2.2.3 Are there realistic alternatives to an EGTC?
2.2.4 To which territory does the EGTC refer?
2.2.5 Which partners should be members of the EGTC or should be integrated in the EGTC through other forms of cooperation?
2.2.6 Where is the registered office of the EGTC to be located?
2.2.7 Which opportunities and restrictions result from relevant national legislations for the establishment of an EGTC?
2.2.8 How can an EGTC be financed?
2.2.9 Who is liable and to what extent?
2.2.10 Are there temporal/time limitations for a reasonable establishment of an EGTC?
2.2.11 Which effort and benefit are to be expected from an EGTC?
2.3 Establishing the EGTC
2.3.1 Negotiating and formulating convention and statutes
2.3.2 Initiating and implementing the application and approval procedure
2.4 The EGTC takes up work
wydawca: Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur (BMVI)

op. naukowa:
Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur (BMVI), Berlin
Dr. Katharina Erdmenger

Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung (BBSR) im Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung (BBR), Bonn
Dr. Wilfried Görmar

Spatial Foresight, Berlin Sabine Zillmer, Kai Böhme, Christian Lüer
in Zusammenarbeit mit EureConsult, Echternach Thomas Stumm

rok wydania: 2014
miejsce wydania: Berlin
język: angielski
dostępność: Guideline for the establishment of an EGTC for stakeholders of transnational cooperation
wersja niemiecka: Leitfaden zur Gründung eines EVTZ für Akteure der transnationalen Zusammenarbeit

CategoryLiteraturaPortalu CategoryEUWTLiteraturaB CategoryEUWTLiteratura2014 CategoryEUWTLiteraturaAngielski
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